The Rain’s Ark
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insider's pick
Have you ever imagined the world after you disappeared?
Wandering in the forest in the pouring rain, Toko wakes up in a house where four men and women live, but something is unnatural. As she learns about outdoor drums, how to heat a bath, and how to wash clothes in a mountain stream, she becomes accustomed to living with these people who live a self-sufficient life, getting their food from somewhere. But then something strange begins to happen.
© 2020 Kyoto University of Art and Design Graduation film project Senami team
Director’s Note
All I can say now is that people are a dying culture. And it is absolutely dying. Should we notice it or not? While working on this film, I suddenly found myself thinking a lot about which was happier. I think it is happier not to notice it. But I can never be such a person. I hope that you will take a moment to think about such a thing for which there is no answer.
This is a film that you can certainly sense things that are important, things that can only be seen now, and what we were able to capture because of us. I hope you will enjoy the film.