
Shaman's Daughter

139 min

Available anywhere except for the following regions: Japan

This ghost drama depicts a love triangle involving a high school girl who is the daughter of a shaman, a young man who lives with the ghost of his deceased lover, and his lover who has become a ghost.

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Film Festival:

Kanazawa Film Festival 2021

Director, Writer & Editor:


Misaki Kihara, Kohei Nagano, Akari Sato, Momoka Kurakami, Makoto


This is my first feature film with the concept of “a ghost film that no one has ever seen. As a psychic film, this is a film that at times horrifies, at times sentimentalizes, at times moe and humor, and at times betrays and affirms all of these things. We have put our ambition into this film so that it will leave an emotional “lump” in your heart at the end of its 139 minutes. We hope you enjoy it.